Friday, November 17, 2023

November 17, 2023 Friday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn, Tammy and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:40 to 2:15 and there were ultimately four seals during that time.
Back in the middle of LPB partly hidden was an Unknown Adult: adult size, older coat, molted gray and brown ventral; unsure about tags. This could be RG32, but the belly seemed lighter than his.
A short distance Makapuu of the 1BS was a Subadult Male: smaller subadult size, newer coat, light gray male belly and two red tags.
At 1:27 Marilyn became aware that a Juvenile Female had hauled out down from the 3BS: juvenile size, newer coat, light female belly and two red tags.
Out on RRB was s Female Weaner: weaner to juvenile size, older coat with light yellow female belly and two red tags. At one point it like she had an upside down N1 applied bleach to her left side or it could be just sand that landed in skin folds. RQ44 was the last seal that had a N1 bleach on her back.  

Tammy met up with Lesley and went out to the point. Their first find was PvKauai RW02 who recently finished his molt. 
Down the beach, tucked up in the bushes was R330 Squinty. He is still molting.
Further down the beach was RL74 Kami. At hidden beach was RL98 Lina.
Lesley went down to main beach and found R416 and TA68 were there, Tammy wasn't able to make it down there to see them.

Team R&B started at the outfall and the boats were back again. They could see one seal in the net
stealing fish. They were able to ID RL08. At times he stuck his head through the net and grabbed the floating plastic bag and bit it off the net. The net went from jetty to jetty. Team R&B did speak one of the guys from the Akule boat who was on the jetty. They let him know they were worried about the small seal who has been around, that he's vulnerable and could get into trouble in and around the nets.

They were happy to find Kaale RH32 at Kahe away from the nets.  He was alone snoozing, truth is he may have been out there earlier.

Last find of the day was at tracks. There was RL20 Kalua alone, and unsure if he's started to molt.

Rabbit Island

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