Monday, November 6, 2023

November 06, 2023 Monday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:55 to 2:25 and there were five seals seen during that time.
Alone on LPB was the Female Weaner: weaner size, old coat with yellowish tan female belly and two red tags.
Between middle cliff and 3BS there were three seals who did some moving around. They were:
Closest to Middle Cliff was Juvenile Female 1: larger juvenile size, newer coat, light female belly and two red tags.
Next was Adult Male 1: adult size, newer coat, gray male belly and unsure about tags.
Adult Male 2: adult size, medium gray male belly and two red tags. The AM2 moved behind the other tow and then around them.
Between 3BS and SRI was a Juvenile Female 2: larger juvenile size, newer coat, light gray female belly and two red tags.

Team R&B had just arrived at tracks when they spotted a seal going along the shoreline. The seal looked like it was molting, and thankfully it hauled up on shore. It was RH32 Kaale who is already 25% molted.
While watching over Kaale they saw a boobie flying and trying to land on a boar. The wind was making it a challenge but in the end he got to land.

Next stop at Kahe and as they walked out around the area there wasn't anything unusual. Then they turned and saw Opihi RQ42 haul up, little sneaky bugga.  His molt is already happening on his back. Soon the L7 applied bleach will be gone.
Two tourist came by and went down close to where Opihi was resting. They waited around to watch, but once one of the guys saw them after about 10 minutes they
Team R&B saw a super yacht out on the water called the Shinkai.  It's a long way from home which is the Netherlands. 

At another west side location they found the last seal for today. The waves came up and was knocking around RM31 Kai.

Rabbit Island

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