Wonderful news from NOAA! R333 was released today and is hook free. They were able to remove the hook without surgery! He was fitted with some new bling and has tag 3CK/3CL along with a small sat tag. Hooray, and thank you NOAA Team and the posse and volunteers that help get this boy the medical attention he needed.
At 6:20 am Team Billand spotted a second seal coming in from the west side and were able to ID RN14 Kalani, who swiftly came into the area. Mom and pup were on the rocks exploring and didn't notice him at first. RN14 landed on birthbeach alone, looking around. He then went to the rocks and that is when Pohaku (mama bear) let him have it. Her mouth wide opened and big bellows, RN14 took off around the corner. He came back once more, Pohaku charged him once more, and he left.
Team Billand left at 10:30 for a break and returned at 2. Mom and pup were sleeping on shore by waters edge.
On Kalani's third visit was around 2:30, when Pohaku was nursing the pup. She knew he was coming, let out a big bark and Kalani took off for good. Young dude doesn't take the hint.
Right after his visit Pohaku took Nanea into the tough surf to the rocks, almost out to the opened sea. They hung out there for a bit, then came to shore to nurse once again. The surf was so rough Pohaku hauled up by the footpath with Nanea.
This was very close for visitors to take photos, they call gathered at
the fence being excited to see them up close. Pohaku was aware of their presence, and thankfully the big group left, allowing Mom and pup to snooze peacefully. Team Billand finished their day at 4:30.
Melody was onsite from early morning until early afternoon. She pretty much watched the Kalani drama along with Team Billand. When Team Billand took their break Melody got some photos of Nanea nursing. A couple of cute photos of dribble nose.
When Team Billand took a break in the morning they of course stopped at a west side location. Apparently when RN14 Kalani left Mom and Pup and was resting up. Of course he wasn't finished with his visits to the pup site.
Team Billand also found Kekoa Alii RK72 at another west side location. He was pretty hidden in a water hole snoozing mid rocks. Team Billand recognized him by his infamous scar on the right side of his face.
R333 gets some new bling 3CK/3CL
Pohaku giving Kalani the heave ho
dazed and confused, but persistent
And Rn14 doesn't give up
Pohaku RO28 and Nanea PO5
Once again
Bye bye - see ya later
Kalani left and hauled up on the west side
Kekoa Alii RK72
Finally Nanea and Pohaku resting
Lunchtime with Auntie Melody
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