OKAY BIG NEWS: Day 40 Nanea is officially a weaner! AND she got her bling RL44/L45.
Team Billand was on site way earlier this morning or for some of us the middle of the night. It was still complete darkness and they couldn't see any critters they heard Nanea vocalizing. Then they could see movement in "Nanea's Cove" and there she was exploring.
Team Billand could hear another critter and it turns out to be the pain in the butt RN14 Kalani. He came right in looking around for Pohaku. But she's gone so he went to greet Nanea. (after yesterday's aggressive behavior volunteer was onsite) One of the volunteers shined a light at RN14 and he took off. Nanea made her way up the rocks then to the other end of the beach.
Well looks like today is Nanea's big day as the NOAA Team arrives and pulls together the plan to tag her with her official ID RL44 tag L44/L45.
As usual the weaner never cooperates, and Nanea lived up to that. She was in the water exploring, busy catching and eating things.
To add to all the excitement Nanea managed to get herself wedged between the rocks and had a fit trying to get her chubby self out. Lot's of vocalizing and flipper flapping, but she managed to free herself. ( I know Melody captured this on video, worth taking a look.)
Meanwhile the NOAA team gathered their gear and everyone moved out of site. Sure enough here she comes, and she took her time, hauling herself up. But the NOAA Team were ready, she got her tags, blood work, poop sample and a transmitter. She is ready to rock and roll.
This little girl on Day 40 becomes a weaner and got her bling. She was blessed by Auntie and I know Team Billand gave their share of blessings for a good safe life. She is looking peaceful, chubby, healthy and beautiful.
Tammy was on site at 6 am and joined Team Billand. She was there to experience much of what Team Billand shared with us. Tammy did mention at one point Nanea had been foraging and came up with something in her mouth. Auntie Nettie said it was Loli. (sea cucumber) this one was orange and Nanea managed to have it NOT explode all over her whiskers.
PO5 weaner cruising this morning
AWWW crap... I'm stuck!
whew that was close
Look at me... free wi-fi
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