Tuesday, August 6, 2019

August 6, 2019 (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Update

I decided to go check the park and seals today after yesterday's shark sighting.

RN58 "Luana" was my first seal. She overnighted in the same spot I saw her yesterday. After a swim her molt is about ~50%. It's an unusual molt patern since instead of starting on her chest it started on the mating scratches. So she had different molted patches. She's still a smilling seal.

On my way further into the park I saw a group of stingrays @ Manini - what a treat to watch them play

RW02 "PVKauai" was at Hidden Beach were he overnighted. On my way back he was no longer there. I left a sign way above tide line since there's been a seal there everyday.

RO40 "Ka'ena" was out at the point. His RF cut has healed

Barking from Back Beach made me go check twice till finally I found him in the water. RG28 "Lefty" was very vocal and fighting the waves, there was no other seal around, he was just irritated.
I believe the discomfort of molting was making him do that. He swam to the waterline and was tossed around by the big sets rolling in. He would then roll his head in the sand and vocalize more.

I saw fresh HMSeal trails along the way so there more seals in the area, probably behind waves saying "didn't see me na-na-na-naaaaa"  More tomorrow ğŸŒº

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