Marilyn was at Pupukea this morning and on her way home drove the windward coast. Of course all along the way she was checking for seals. When she got to Hauula she spotted signs of a seal at one of the beach parks so she stopped.
There was an SRA in place but there was no one around. There was an adult seal in the SRA with an older coat. Marilyn never saw the seal's belly, but got a good shot of the tags, B12. There was Sadie RB12! She has not done her post-wean molt yet. Sadie was resting comfortably and no one was bothering her. ( Must have been a treat to see her without looking through a scope )

From visiting with Sadie Marilyn went to Makai Pier to view Rabbit Island ( and see if Sadie's kids were around). There were only two seals today both of them were a good distance apart on Left Point Beach during the time she was there.
Furthest to the left was RL47 Kamakana based on the weaner shape and size with two tags. Marilyn never got a good belly shot. RL47 enetered the water about 5 minutes before Marilyn left.
Team Billand arrived at Pohaku and Nanea's pupping site just after 6 am, volunteer was already on site and the seals were high up on shore by the Naupaka. Seems today everyone noticed Nanea's looks are in the process of changing. Day 30 and her chin is looking whiter/gray, Gray around the fore flipper, small white hairs showing. From the photos I can see the the black is looking more reddish brown.
Pohaku scurries down to the water and Nanea follows they both go through the channel.
At 7 am Mom and Pup are now on birth beach feeding. After the feed, they snooze, and then have
another feed followed by a very long sleep.
Team Billand left at 11 am to get out of the hot sun for a bit, they returned at noon. Both Mom and pup were in the very shallow water, snoozing. I guess between the heat and all of yesterdays' excitement fighting off Benny, today they took a much needed rest.
Team Billand took this opportunity to leave and check out a couple of nearby beaches. One of their stops, they found RN14 Kalani sleeping on the rocks alone with his tags showing. This beach was very crowded today.
Team Billand returned to Pohaku and Nanea about 2:30. Mom and pup had just gone in for a swim. They were both looking strong and healthy, Nanea is confident and independent, although she does stay close to mom.
The tourist that were out today were excited to see them out there today, going close to the ropes. Once Mom and Pup looked like they were coming in, they were all asked to move back.
Nanea landed first and went high up on shore, then Pohaku came in. She lands galumphs to pup, they hug a bit, then mom entered the water again, Nanea followed.
They have another swim, then turned to enter the channel and were out of sight. Team Billand waited a while, and then they got a call from Auntie saying she had eyes on Pohaku and Nanea. Team Billand went to check and as they arrived, Mom and Pup headed back in the channel. (Hmmmm I think Mom and Pup are having some fun with Team Billand).
When Team Billand got back they could barely see Mom and Pup nursing on shore. They were high up in the Naupaka and they fell asleep.
This was a good time to close out Day 30.
the lovely RB12 Sadie Lady
RH36 Kawena
RL47 Kamakana
Pohaku RO28 and Nanea PO5
Lips are getting lighter
Big reddish brown going to turn bright white soon!
Nanea and Momma Pohaku
RN14 Kalani
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