Marilyn went to the pier to observe Rabbit Island from 12:40 to 1:55 today. When she arrived there were five seals and a 6th seal showed about about 10 minutes before she left.
There were four seals all at Left Point Beach.
RL47 Namakana was closet to the rock flats left of LPB. ID'd by weaner size, shape and coloration, 2 tags and male belly.
UJF#1 - juvenile size, female belly and 2 tags. It's probably RK37, or RK38 based on size. She was later visited by UM#2.

Initially together were UM#1 and a sub-adult female with a new coat, most likely RH36 Kawena. They moved apart and back together several times and had a few spats. The UM#1 was subadult to adult size, maybe with one tag showing on ventral size of flipper, older coat, and dark male belly. He may have a line scar above the right eye.
About 1:35 pm Marilyn became aware of UM#2 who had arrived and was pestering UJF#1. This seal had two tags, older coat with perhaps a lighter belly. This may be RG32. He ultimately chased UM#1 into the water and then went over to bother RH36 Kawena.

Initially on the rock flats of SRU was UJ#2. The seal later moved up among the rocks at the mouth of SRI. The seal was juvenile size, had two tags, and a new coat. Marilyn never got a clear look at the bellly. Marilyn thinks it's probably RK37 or RK38, but can't be sure.
Team Billand arrived at pupping site before six am. Upon arrival, they spotted three seals on shore, Pohaku RO28, Nanea PO5 and none other than Da Benny RE74. It was so early that it was too dark for decent photos, and turns out Benny left within a few minutes.
Pohaku and Nanea were on Birth Beach resting, with lots of wallows and trails on shore in the zone area.
At 6 am Benny came back a second time, headed to Mom and Pup, looking, getting closer closer. He veered off a bit and when he checked back on Mom and Pup they were in the water.
Benny approached and Pohaku went nuts and charged Benny. Nanea stayed to the side and out of the way. Benny and Pohaku went at it, it stopped and Pohaku charged him again, this time there was contact, biting Benny in the neck. ( WHOA ! Pohaku a tough broad). Benny moved away slowly leaving the area. Pohaku then landed and settled in and fed her kid.
Team Billand got a call from a friend that a seal had hauled out at a nearby beach. They went to check and ID'd RH92. They called the hotline and folks around helped them set up a zone.
At 6:30 Benny returns (aw geesh doesn't he ever learn). He comes around looking and then landing closer to the fence line moved around and then turned over and went to sleep for an hour.
When he woke up he moved closer to Mom and Pup. Nanea barked but stayed with Pohaku. Benny came within 20 feet of them turned over and went to sleep. ( you got to love him... he's either clueless or a real romantic)After his nap he moved down to the water line and cooled off, and that is where he remained for the rest of the time Team Billand's observation. All is quiet and all sleeping.
At 11:30 Team Billand left for a break and returned at 1:25 pm. They found Pohaku and Nanea alone on shore snoozing. Some of the folks said Benny was his dumb self and fought with Pohaku about like five times until Pohaku gave it back and he left by 1:15.
Pohaku once again was settled in and fed Nanea, then the pup grew restless, entered the water with Mom following. This was their first swim of the day.
By 3 PM the surf was high and the tide was up, Mom took pup into the channel to explore. Team Billand lost site of them at 3:30 and decided to call it a day. WOW what a day.
News from out Pal Val on Kauai. She generously sharing a couple of photos of KC and her pup PK4 (Pup Kauai 4) born earlier on July 19th than Nanea.
Val also sent a photo of PK5 showing of its teeth. Now this is Rocky's kid born either late evening July 19th or very early morning July 20th,'
RL47 Namakana
UJF- UM and Kawena RH36
UM and Kawena
UM #1
UM #2
Pohaku and Nanea and DA Benny
Pohaku Kicks Benny's Butt.
Don't mess with me Benny
haaa Mom you kicked his butt.
Da Benny
Benny Nanea and Pohaku
PK5 Rocky's kid showing off it's choppers
KC' Pup PK4 being a drama queen
Mom I'm hungry
Mommmmm I'm hungry
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! I wanna eat!!!!!!
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