Team Billand was out checking out sites between 7 and 8 am. They went back to the pupping site to check if Mom had returned or who might be around.
There was a seal going from right to left to Nanea's cove vocalizing the entire time.
They were able to ID RN14 Kalani and he is not a happy camper. Seems he's also going through withdrawal missing his seal buds.
Team Billand had an early day as they had to take care of some personal errands and appointments.

Kaimana was close enough they sniffed each other, and at one point Nanea tried to nurse from Kaimana and when that didn't work they snuggled on the beach.
They spent time playing in the water and then Kaimana took Nanea out into the open waters. They doubled back after a while, but the volunteers and Melody lost sight of them when they headed straight out.
Let's hope Kaimana will take Nanea under her flipper and show her the ropes. I mean after all they got so much in common. They both famous, they both born on very populated locations, both Mom's are Oahu females that USUALLY got to Kauai to birth, and both were relocated shortly after being weaned. Hope they become good friends.
Thank you Melody for sending the video so we all get to experience the two infamous female kids.
RN14 Kalani
poor dude, go find your buddy Ka'ale
Hello there ! Kaimana RJ58 and Nanea RL44
I'd like to help you out, but I'm not your mother
Hey I had one of those antenna things too!
Hey I told ya kid I ain't your momma
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