Team Billand got to the pup site at 5:15 am, they found Pohaku in water just 10 feet from Nanea who was half on land and half in the water, sleeping. Team Billand could see there were footprints in the zone and there were volunteers on site.
Both seals fought, and RIP left. Kalani still in the cove going over to visit with Pohaku and Nanea who were nursing. Kalani did nothing, just checking them out and hung out for three hours.
In the final hour Pohaku and Nanea went to the cove to explore. Suddenly they see Kalani coming into the cove, Pohaku went on the rocks. Kalani came again, but this time he has company. Team Billand unable to ID this seal so it was reported as a U/U. This seal did not stay around very long.
Kalani was persistent, pup tried to move away, but Kalani got between Mom and pup. Nanea just stayed to Kalani's side, and that is when Pohaku and Kalani went at it.
In the end Pohaku got control of the situation and got Nanea back to her. At one point she went out to sea, came back with a vengance openeing her mouth so wide, vocalizing and charged Kalani. Nanea
was smart and moved up shore and Mom was right behind her.
Finally at 11:00 am Kalani left the area. All is quiet, Pohaku fed Nanea and both fell asleep. Team Billand did not see Kalani for the rest of the day.
Just before 5 pm Team Billand spot a seal coming from the channel. They were able to ID Benny bobbing along looking at Mom and Pup. He went to the right them moved to left and poof disappeared.
During all the excitement there were lots of folks gathered asking lots of questions. Team Billand was doing their best to document what was happening. They tried to balance out answering questions but staying focused on Mom and pup. They carefully looked at Mom and Pup both there and through their photos and they did not see any bite marks or wounds. Whew!
Team Billand did leave shortly after Benny arrived.
early morning visitor - RIP RR70
Nanea filling up
RN14 Kalani having words with Pohaku
Here comes Benny
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