Team Billand got to the pupping site before 6 am. When they arrived there were no seals for the first time in 20 days. They carefully studied the water if there was any activity, but there was nothing. They did not see them, they did not hear them.
Robert went to check the nearby beaches, and came up empty.
Volunteer Karen K arrived and Team Billand informed her no seals were around. Karen went and checked a few spots and came up empty.
The hotline was called and updated.
I went and met up with Team Billand about 7:15 this morning and missed all the searching for Mom and pup. It was so wonderful seeing them snoozing on the beach, and yes Nanea is already full figured at only 20 days old.
To be sure Barbara checked with NOAA and it was confirmed it was organic matter on her face. (Happens to every pup!)
About 11 I left for the day and Team Billand was still hanging in with Mom and Pup. While observing them they noticed the pup out in the open ocean with Mom. They let the volunteers know she lost sight of them and wasn't sure what direction they were heading
While waiting, sure enough they spotted Nanea first and then Mom. They both rode the waves into the cove. This was Nanea's first open ocean swim, she did great even if all the aunties and uncles were worried and now relieved they are back.
Team Billand took a short break out of the sun and get some food, they returned at 2. When they got back Mom and pup were still there in the same area snoozing.
Finally at 5 pm after a long hot day they called it quits.
Early Morning feed
what's on my FACE!
ME and Mini ME
Very round little girl
does my butt look big
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