Tammy was out solo today on the North Shore. Her first find of the day was Honey Girl R5AY who is very.... VERY... green. Seriously looking at these photos one may wondered if there was a filter, but no editing, no photoshop, just very green. The morning sunlight may have enhanced some of the brightness, but the girl is a "lean green baby machine".
Team Billand did an early check on Pohaku and Nanea and found them on shore resting. Apparently there was a film crew in the area which made getting around a challenge.
Team Billand called the hotline at 5:15 am to inform them of Pohaku and Nanea's location. Then they sat and waited for the sun to come up. At first light they could see and hear the Plovers, Ruddy Turnstones, they saw the Heron that visits them every morning, and the Tatlers were running about for little crabs.
At 7:03 Team Billand spotted movement off the the side heading toward Mom and Pup. Here comes Kalani RN14 towards Pohaku and pup. At first he approached slow then sped up, as he got closer.
Pohaku with her eagle eyes spotted Kalani and immediately faced him. Nanea woke up and wanted breakfast, now poor Pohaku had to take care of her kid and also handle a big dude coming in.
Kalani does one last drive by, then leaves Mom and Pup. Pohaku went back to nursing, "talk about multi-tasking" .
At 9:30 am Nanea is ready to eat again and Pohaku lets her have another session. Once Nanea had enough they both went into the water for a swim. They went to Twin Rocks, Flat Rocks and hung out in the rough water section with Rip Currents. Waves for rough, Mom was cautious, taking Nanea to smoother waters, then landed again for one more feed.
At 11:47 am both on shore at birth beach, snoring the time away, in unison peacefully.
Just after 12 Team Billand left for a lunch break in some air
conditioned place.
When Team Billand returned to the pupping site, Mom and pup were having a swim session.
Barbara noted the pupping site beach is so clean, there is no trash, no debris for Nanea to amuse herself with, not even big drift wood.
But today Nanea found herself some coconut rubbish to amuse herself for a bit. She even found a little coconut to mouth and push around with her snout.
The grass is always greener....
RK80 almost done with her first molt
Pohahu and Nanea
Kalani RN14 approaches
Don't mess with this Momma
I think he's got the message (for now)
whoo hooo my mom is bad a$$
look a toy!
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