Wednesday, August 14, 2019

August 14, 2019 (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Update

A 2in1 report    (short and sweet :-)  )

Yesterday RN58 "Luana" spent the day here in front

This morning I went out with a big group on a work/field trip and we were able to document some HMSeals on the way
Started off by checking on RN58 "Luana", she has overnighted again in front of the house.
Next seal was RG28 "Lefty" at the entrance of the NARS
R330 "Squinty" was hauled out on Benny's Flats
RO40 "Ka'ena" was near the waterline of Back Beach. He had definitely overnighted and left many trails behind him all the way up and around the Naupaka bush.
More tomorrow ğŸŒº


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