Saturday, August 17, 2019

August 17, 2019 (part 2 ) Lesley's Ka'ena Update

Flying solo on a long weekend = LOTS OF WORK

When I went by Hidden Beach I was told by overnighted fishermen that 2 seals had been there since last night and left just before I arrived. Trails up the hill is RN58 "Luana's" trademarks - but no photos to prove... so 2 U/Us it will be

Heading towards the point I stopped to chat with all fishermen and campers along the way, past halfway I met 2 groups that had seen little RL20 "Kalua" swimming around and foraging. He was IDed by his N17 bleach - I was pleased to hear that. I waited and looked around alas didn't put my eyes on him.
Later on as I picked up new friends #1 a Puna, #2 a Kalua, #3 the same as me, #4 Dimples and Mom & Dad - they told me they had seen the pup I had told them about when we were at the point. N17 bleach was visible and "Kalua" was sleeping among some rocks.
Good to know the kid is around and well 

At the point 2 seals were playing in the outer pool. First one easy to ID because of the patch on his back from the cel transmitter RO40 "Ka'ena" the other one had to turn bellie up for me to confirm RW02 "PVKauai" later both were also IDed by their new tags.
They were going at each other. "Ka'ena" was the bully today.
He kept cornering "PVKauai". both provided entertainment and lots of outreach.
Due to new landscaping from latest swells we were able to sit on the corals and enjoy without disturbing. That's were I met my new friends described above. It's a treat to do outreach with witty clever and interested kids. Congrats to the parents that home school them. Today's lesson ended up being about Hawaiian Monk Seals ğŸ˜‰

Back on this side I checked the font beach and found freshly RN58 "Luana" & R330 "Squinty" they chose to haul out right beside a group fishing. I spoke to them the lady took the dog away and the men decided to move to another location were they could fish and snorkel peacefully. "Squinty" kept looking at them and I strongly recommended not going swimming with him so near, it's mating season and seal could be protective of his girl.
hauled out 
I went down mid afternoon for a dip and seals were gone.  More tomorrow ğŸŒº


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