I'm just going to copy/paste Barbara's opening paragraph in her email. Anyone who knows Team Billand knows how dedicated they are, me, well I consider them family.
"Since after 12 long years, and never seeing a birth, we thought Pohaku would be the seal to give us a gift one day. We did come close, but LEFT SITE to do a report. And yep, Pohaku GAVE BIRTH JULY 19th at 6pm....after we left for the day.
So...we wish to follow her day by day TO SEE HER JOURNEY with her pup NANEA.
Today is day #24"
The first feed was at 6:46 am after Nanea woke Mom up. Now with a full belly it was more sleep for the both of them.
At 8:30 there was another feed for Nanea, followed by more sleep. Pohaku is starting to get thin, and it was the first time Team Billand noticed her condition.
They went and played with the buoy just for a bit. There's a good chance things are growing on that buoy, same as White Plains buoy that other seals use to play with.
At 12:15 Team Billand left the site for some cooler air and a lunch break.
By 2pm Team Billand returned to find Mom and Pup on birth beach with another high tide hitting both of them on shore. They didn't care, they just snoozed and spent the rest of the day snoozing.
Team Billand called it a day at 3:30 and when they left Pohaku and Nanea were still asleep on shore. This completes day 24.
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