Sunday, May 12, 2024

May 12, 2024 Sunday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:48 to 2:28 and there were four seals seen during that time.
On LPB was a Sub-adult Female: smaller sub-adult size, light gray female belly and two tags.
RF34 Pua and PO3 spent the first half of Marilyn's viewing session barely visible behind waterfront rocks on the Makapuu side of 3BS. Then they finally hauled out and PO3 nursed. They re-entered the water where Pua kept a close eye on PO3 (day 41). Mom is looking thin and she will be leaving soon.
On water front rock flats between 3BS and SRI was an Adult Female: adult size, older coat, tannish female belly and unsure about tags. It is possibel this seal has something on the left side of her mouth, but Marilyn could not get a good enough look to confirm.

Team R&B were out for Breakfast this morning when they got a call of a seal haul out at Plains. Once they were finished they headed over and found RN14 Kalani on shore. There were lots of adoring fans all behind the ropes and signs that the lifeguards had set up.
They were surprised to see him here, but then realized there were fishers at the other location. Nice of Kalani to find a spot on this very busy Mothers Day.
They did some monk seal 101 and asked the boys to go around the seal. They also met a nice man who was interested in RN14. It always feels good to share with people who are respectable and truly interested.

At another west side location they found two male seals about 50 feet apart on the rocks. R416 was galumphing in between the rocks to hide. RM31 Kai was in the same spot as yesterday snoozing away the day.

Their last find of the day was at the cliffs. They spotted the seal and tried for quite a while to make an ID. But the seal would not cooperated and didn't move a muscle.  The area started to get crowded so they didn't want to stay and reported the seal as an Unknown Adult UA.

Rabbit Island
Unknown Adult

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