Tuesday, May 28, 2024

May 28, 2024 Tuesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:40 to 2:15 om and there were two seals seen during that time.
Both were near each other on the Lanikai side of LPB.
Weaner PO3: weaner size and shape, light gray male belly and no tags.
Near PO3 was an Adult Female: cubby adult size, darker coat, female belly, unsure about tags. Marilyn never got a good look at the rear ventral, but size wise Marilyn believes this seal is pregnant. Viewing conditions were not ideal and even though she tried she did not see any applied bleaches.  Time will tell.

In yesterdays news I missed an email from Team R&B of their siting of RM31 Kai and Lefty, so I will include those photos along with their seeing the two of them again today.
Also an update to the Unknown Male from yesterday, NOAA confirmed the male is R617.

Their first siting today was at the bay where they spotted a very grubby female on the rocks. They were able to ID RL70 Leina. Then they spotted a seal foraging doing five minute dives. The seal did haul out and they were able to ID RG28 Lefty.

Once again today they were entertained by the dolphins and all their magic.

On the first stop at Kahe they spotted a boat was out near the outfall laying net. Of course a seal was there stealing fish. It was RL20 Kalua the junior thief vs. Kaale who is the master.
They did go back later and were relieved to see RL20 had hauled out on the rocks and was sleeping. Probably very content with a full belly.

Team R&B spotted a big school of sardines and was taking some photos. All of sudden this boobie bird came diving for the dish. He flew above, gat a look and then dove into the school of fish swallowing what he could.

At another west side location they found their last find. There was Kai RM31 was alone today, snoozing on the rocks.

Rabbit Island
RM31 from Monday 5/27
Lefty from Monday 5/27
unknown male from 5/27 is R617
RG28 Lefty 

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