Wednesday, May 22, 2024

May 22, 2024 Wednesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 11:42 to 2:02 and there were four seals seen during that time.
On LPB was a Juvenile Female: juvenile size, tannish yellow female belly and two red tags.
Between 1BS and 2BS was a Juvenile Male: larger juvenile to small sub-adult size and a light gray male belly. Marilyn looked but did not knowingly see any tags. The two male pups born on Rabbit Island in 2021 did not get tagged so it could be one of them.
Nearer 2BS was weaner PO3: weaner size and shape and no tags. He moved up onto the water front rocks, he spent some time mouthing a tree branch which is very much weaner behavior.
Between 3BS and SRI was a Sub-adult Male: smaller sub-adult size, two red tags and a light gray male belly.

Team R&B's first stop was at the bay where they found Miss Leina RL70. She was at the zen spot. She kept rolling over and tossing her hind flippers about. 

At another west side location they came across four male seals:
RG28 Lefty - RL20 Kalua - R416 Makalii and RM31 Kai.  
My guess they were all out there foraging together.

Initially when they arrived at Nimitz there was only one seal. The ID'd a male seal R407.
While searching the area from the jetty they saw two seals fighting. There was R407 now with RN14 Kalani both in the water.  Kalani
split and went after the school of sardines. He left that area and moved further down and finally hauled out. There was a child going up to him, Team R&B advised him to move back. Kalani settled in.

Team R&B still having technical difficulties with their camera and computer, but yet they still manage to keep us informed.  Big hugs to them!

Rabbit Island
R416 & RM31

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