Tuesday, May 14, 2024

May 14, 2024 Tuesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 11:50 to 3:10 and there were at least four maybe five seals seen during the at time.
On the rock flats Lanikai side of LPB was an Adult Female: adult size, light yellow female belly and two red tags. She moved around for a bit.
Initially PO3 was alone in the shallow water between Middle Cliff and 3BS. He hauled out alone and went into snooze mode. Marilyn assumed we had a weaner on day 43. PO3 is pudgy with the light silver male belly.
At 12:46 Marilyn noticed that a Juvenile Female was near RRB channel: larger juvenile size, ight yellow female belly, unsure about tags. She had left when Marilyn check back at 12:57/ Marilyn think she saw her offshore of PO3 and RF34 and offshore of LPB.
AT 12:56 pm Marilyn realized that an adult seal had hauled out to PO3 and she is reasonably sure it was mom Pua RF34. The moved closer to Mom, but soon thereafter at 1:04 pm PO3 headed into the water and after awhile, mom followed. They were in the water until about 2:30 pm in nearshore waters before PO3 hauled out between 3BS and SRI.  Mom then seemed to check in both directions and then swam away leaving PO3 alone on the beach. Marilyn reported PO3 as a weaned pup since there wasn't any nursing.
At 2:49 pm Marilyn saw an Unknown Adult haul out on the 3BS side of Middle Cliff. This may be RF34 who had departed from PO3's location. Although this UA seemed larger than the depleted RF34.

Team R&B decided to head out to Nimitz early even with all of the rain.  They found Kalani RN14 at his spot again. Today he was resting peacefully, no dogs, no humans were around during their observation.

At another west side location they dealt with the rain, then it stopped, then more rain. It wasn't torrential but enough to get the camera wet. Finally they got lucky and found three seals all males.
R416 Makalii R416 seems to have another cc wound. 
R617 Kimo also resting on the rocks.
The last male took forever to ID. In between the rain the seal moved due to a little crab. Thanks Mr. Crab for helping out and allowing Team R&B id RG32 by seeing the scar over his eye.

Rabbit Island

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