Monday, May 20, 2024

May 20, 2024 Monday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:22 to 3:10 and there were three seals seen during that time. 
At the back of LPB was what Marilyn thinks is weaner PO3. He is probably the UU from yesterday. He did go down to the water for a short time, but then moved back up to the back of LPB where it was hard to see him. 
Closer to the water at LPB was an Adult Female: adult size, dark female belly and two red tags. Marilyn thinks this seal is pregnant. She did not see any applied bleaches and did note there were two red tags. This would rule out RB12 Sadie.
At SRI was a Sub-adult Female: sub-adult size, two red tags and a light tan female belly.

Team R&B's first stop on the west side is where they initially spotted RM31 Kai and R617 Kimo. The
two males entered the pond and played around for awhile. 
Then they heard a snort and saw it was R416 Makalii on waterfront rocks.
They waited for a bit and lucky they did because a fourth seal arrived.  They were happy to see good ole' RH32 Kaale.  

Next they headed over to Nimitz and didn't see anything. Then they spotted people passing two seals on the sand. They went to check it out and there was RN14 Kalani and R407.

Rabbit Island
RN14 & R407

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