Saturday, May 11, 2024

May 11, 2024 Saturday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:10 to 2:05 and only mom and pup were seen during that time.
RF34 Pua and PO3 (day 40) mostly hidden behind waterfront rocks for the first hour of Marilyn's viewing.  Only later did they haul out and the pup had an extended nursing session before he and mom moved up the beach and went into snooze mode. PO3 is at the "beach ball" phase of shape.

Team R&B first seal of the day was seen on the reef at Nimitz. He was sort of alone in that there were
many visitors, in the water, on shore and on the reef picking limu.  They ID'd RN14 Kalani and he was very aware of all the people around in the area.

Next stop at Kahe they found RL20 Kalua alone resting. They talked to one of the fishermen and he said there has been a seal in the outfall all the time and its there all day. Team R&B's best guess its RL20 since he has replaced Kaale has the #1 fish thief. 

Their final stop for the day at another west side location was the jackpot! There were five seals all resting.
R416 was to the right of water front rocks. RM31 Kai and R617 were together resting further right.
Then they spotted RG32 with Miss Kala RH76 together by seal inlet. (she another one who didn't read the memo to get her big butt to Rabbit Island)  RG32 was barking at R416, RM31 and R617 to stay away. Guess he wanted Kala for himself. They didn't approach keeping the peace.

RF34 & PO3
RM31 & R617
RG32 & RH76

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