Friday, May 17, 2024

May 17, 2024 Friday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 11:45 to 1:25 pm and there were three seals seen during that time.
On the 3BS side of Middle Cliff was weaner PO3 near one of the tree roots that has washed up on the island. PO3 is chubby weaner size, gray male belly and obviously no tags yet.  He mostly snoozed during Marilyn's observation.
About 20 feet Makapuu side of the 3BS was an Adult Male: adult size, darker gray male belly and at least one red tag maybe two.
At 12:45 pm, a Juvenile Female hauled out about 30 feet Makapuu of the Adult Male. He galumphed over to check her out and she moved away from him. The JF: juvenile size, yellow female belly and two red tags. The AM then rolled down the beach and left at 1:13 pm.
Less than five minutes later the AM hauled out to PO3. Marilyn thinks that PO3 wasn't aware of him as PO3 did not move. The AM lost interest and entered the water and left.

Team R&B are not only finding very few seals but they are also having technical issues. Seems not only camera problems but now computer is dead. Thank goodness for cell phones not to mention their continued dedication.
They did their usual routine and noted the west side beaches are all brown water and lots of debris. 

The first find was out at Nimitz where there was one male seal. They were able to ID'd R407.

Their only other find was at Makua Cliffs. There was RP30 Puka snoozing on the rocks.

Rabbit Island

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