Wednesday, May 29, 2024

May 29, 2024 Wednesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 11:40 to 2:10 om and there were four seals seen during that time.
On the Lanikai side of LPB were two seals:
RL12 Aukai: large adult size, darker female belly, pregnant and a N13 applied bleach on her right side. Marilyn doesn't think her nipples were protruding but it was difficult to tell. I can say we all are relieved she is there!
Very near Aukai was weaner PO3: weaner size and shape, light male
belly. He came around and in front of RL12 and they both went into the LPB surge channel. RL12 returned to the beach after a short while and later PO3 hauled out again.
Between 1BS and 2BS there was an Adult Female: adult size, older coat brownish female belly. presumably pregnant, not sure about tags or applied bleach. Marilyn think this could be RH76 Kala. The AF was down among the waterfront rocks and was almost impossible to get good photos.
At 11:58 am, a Juvenile Female: hauled out between 3BS and SRI: juvenile size, light tan female belly and two red tags.

Team R&B wasn't having much luck today finding any seals. Finally at one west side location they came upon two males on the rocks.
RM31 Kai was positioned so that his applied bleach N9 was very visible.
The next male at the water front rocks was a little more of a challenge. They spent awhile in the hot sun trying to see if there were tags. They noted he has subtle lines on his head, no tags, and a good healthy size. They walked away to get a better view and the seal decided to move. Finally they were able to ID R617 who is back from Nimitz area.

They made all they usual stops and was coming up empty. Finally at Nimitz they were watching a fisherman check his lines when they saw a seal coming in. The seal went to the reef, but didn't land.
Finally after 40 minutes or so they seal hauled out. They hurried over and could see the seal was R407 Kawika. He was so cautious while looking around. He became very vocal, rubbed his teeth with his flipper, rolled on his side and gave a big bellow.  Team R&B were glad they hung out to see him haul out.

Rabbit Island

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