At 0908 I arrived at Makai Pier to find Duke (RA12) & Kaiwi (RK96) moving down to cool off at the far left end of the beach on Rabbit, and Aukai (RL12) & Kainoa together fronting 1BS.
Aukai would enter the water at 0932, with Kainoa right behind. I would catch glimpses of them playing in the shallows through the morning. Aukai would not haul out again, however Kainoa would haul out to 1BS at 1156.
Duke’s D#4 molt is 15%. He and Kaiwi were just relaxin’ when at 1016 a Bad Guy on a S/U Paddleboard, with another surfboard, hauled out 50 ft away from them. Duke took off the minute the guy stepped on the beach, however Kaiwi remained as the guy readied his board and began walking toward the left end rock flats to go surf. Though he never approached the animals , his mere presences was enough to ruin their day. While the guy was out, Kaiwi hauled out again to the same location at 1029, only to be run off again when the guy returned after his session at 1133. The guy departed the island at 1134 and was met by a DOCARE Officer upon his return to Kaupo Beach Park. Kaiwi would eventually haul out again to Right Middle Cliff, and Duke joined her at 1239.
Gayle braved closed roads, and repaving to negotiate the SE quadrant, but alas it was all for naught. She found no critters.
Team Billand reported Haupu (RB24)at Kalaeloa Campgrounds at 0808.
At 1042 a White Plains lifeguard called them to advise that an animal had hauled out at WP. When the Billands arrived they found that it was a relocated Haupu. They reported her gone at 1342.
Our Pal Val sent shots of KC (RK28) & RF58 (Rocky’s girl) on Kauai for the Y/N department.
Also in the Y/N file, Kimo Smith sent shots from his trek to Ka’ena Pt, where he found BG, RL42, Ka’ena, RK36 & at Hidden Beach, Nihoa.
Duke and Kaiwi
Kainoa and Aukai
Dude who thinks the rules don't apply...
Kaiwi and Dude
glad DOCARE was able to follow through
white plains
yesterday's news from Kauai (THANKS VAL)... rf58
sandy chinny chin chin
Yesterday's news from Kimo S out at Ka'ena Point
BG and RL42
a very pretty Nihoa showing off her new coat
RK36 and RL42
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