The morning began with yet ANOTHER race taking over the road out this way, beginning at Sandy Beach. I managed to get through the hordes, for a Kea check at 0605 and found nobody. Since the road was close all the way to Maunalua Bay, I opted for an early morning check of Rabbit Island, but just as my sizeable butt hit the chair, posse member Carla called at 0640, to advise that “a small animal was just hauling out to the outfall”, so..... back to Sandy Beach. Marilyn and I arrived at 0644 to find Kea (RN46) on the outfall. We cordoned him off and he has remained all day.
Back at Rabbit Island at 0719 I found a gang of 3 snoozin’ in the Morning Glory, just left of the 1BS. As each awoke and moved down individually they would prove to be Aukai (RL12), Kainoa (RN04) and Kaiwi (RK96). At 0923 Aukai would relocate to 3BS, and at 1152 Kainoa would move to the far left end of the beach.
At 0915 Duke (RA12) hauled out to join Kaiwi & Kainoa. He didn’t interact with either, simply moving up and taking up the space between the other two. His D#2 molt is 5%.
At 1319 on a pan an U/U appeared along side Kainoa at the left end of the beach. I was not able to ID the animal due to pre-dumping rain visibility, and the fact that it stayed only a few minutes before returning to the water. The only info I could glean was that it was a large, adult sized animal with an old, green coat. I was there for another half hour and did not see the animal again. RI operations were curtailed due to another of those dumping, afternoon down pours, just like yesterday.
Team Billand reported Haupu (RB24) at Nimitz Cove, at 0920. The Billands reported her gone at 1537.
Apparently, there had been an animal at Paradise Cove since around 0930, but the Billands confirmed the Pohaku (RO28) ID at 1151. Thanks to volunteer Bev for the help. Per Bev, Pohaku departed at 1500.
Team Billand called a 1753 with word of finding RW02 at Makua Cliffs. The report had said that he was entangled in a net, but no net was seen.
Duke Kaiwi and Kainoa
U/U, Kainoa, Duke and Kaiwi
Kea at Sandys
Haupu at Nimitz
Pohaku at Paradise Cove
RW02 at Makua Cliffs
and a beautiful sunset - thanks team billand
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