A called from Dana at 0930 advised that Tony had reported a 5% molted Right Spot (R016), still at MCBH.
In the Yesterday’s News department, Kimo Smith sent shots from his Ka’ena Point treks, both yesterday and the day before. He found a molting RW02 at Camp Erdman, Luana (RN58) at the birth beach, Mokuleia, RK36 at Hidden Beach and Ka’ena (RO40) and a 75% molted BG (R303) at the point.
Kea tucking away
oh look it's a rock... wait wait ... no it's Kea.... LOL so much for braving the weather.
Good to see Haupu.... thanks team billand
Yesterdays yesterday News - BG
just a few more patches
Little Green Luana ...... with raccoon eyes
Luana and a fan.... i am going to give the benefit of the doubt this person is an appropriate distance to Luana.... given recent conversations on the Internet I would appreciate if people who are taking the photos please provide some explanation so there isn't any confusion as to whether is closer than the recommended safe distance.
RW02 either has a juice box or a pack of smokes
Camp Erdman
Has anyone seen M&M? I'm hoping she's good-this is Tracy from Az (Jan) moved here in July haven't seen them yet have been to Barbers a few times and read m&m m not doing good? moma1free@yahoo.com-Tracy
Aloha Grammy....
There hasn't been any MM sightings... I know Team Billand checks the beaches daily with hopes of finding her... We can only keep our fingers crossed that she is off island getting some rest and will return soon.
Thank you for your concern and mostly support of the hawaiian monk seals
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