At 0630 I arrived at Makai Pier to find an overnighted T990. He would depart of his own volition at 0942. I watched him behind the breakwater for 10 minutes, when he dove and I did not see him again.
At 1018 Kaiwi (RK96) would arrive, hauling out nearer Duke than the other two. All four would snooze away the rest of the day.
At 1051 Team Billand called with the report of RIP (RR70) at Maili Point.
Much Mahalos to Team Billand for forwarding Charles’ latest map of Buster’s travels since being Critter Cammed. Lo & Behold the boy is foraging at Penquin Banks off Molokai !!!
Duke and Kaiwi
Kainoa and Kaiwi
Kea at Sandys
chubby torpedo
T990 at Makapu Pier
the old dude is looking mighty frail
I wonder if it feels comfortable for him to be in the water...
Rip at Maili Point
Here's a map of Buster's travels.... looks like he b-lined it towards the south
Does anyone have an estimate of T990's age?
I don't think anyone knows for sure.... but based on his being part of a group of male seals from laysan he's estimated to be in his late twenties or early thirties.... for a monk seal... he's a senior seal citizen.
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