I arrived at the Sandy Beach outfall at 0615 to find Kea (RN46) departed. I picked up the stuff and continued on.
At 0712 on my first look at Rabbit Island I found a 15% molted Kolohe (RW22) at the left end of the beach, and Kainoa (RN04) 40 ft left of 1BS. When I returned at 0900 there were new cast members. Duke (RA12) was now with Kolohe, and Aukai (RL12) was snoozin’ , 50 ft right of 1BS.
Hanauma Bay posse member Martha called at 1057 advising that there was an animal at Toilet Bowl. When I got down there at 1116 I found Kaiwi (RK96).
While at Toilet Bowl, I got a call from Gayle advising that Kea (RN04) was at the outfall, Sandy Beach. When I finally got there at 1159 we cordoned him off. He was still there at dark.
At 0727 Dana sent a text advising that an animal had been reported in Waikiki. She called at 0825 to advise that a search of the area had produced no animal.
Team Billand called at 0745 with the report of Haupu (RB24) fronting #1945 Nimitz Cottages. She was gone on the 1227 check.
At 1305 Diane Terai called with the report of Pohaku (RO28) at Germaine’s Luau Grounds, Campbell Industrial Park.
On a totally different note, I got a call from Dave Smith, one of the Sea Engineering engineers at 1422 advising that he was watch people attempting to assist a dolphin that was in stranding mode. I hurried over , arriving at 1430. The people had stopped, but I observed a dolphin thrashing wildly in shallows against really gnarly reef. I called D. Schofield and got the ball rolling. The animal eventually moved to a sandy area (right where T990 spent a couple of days). Two guys controlled the animal in the shallows, though it was still thrashing wildly. At 1500 the thrashing ceased, and we brought it to the beach. NOAA & HPU personnel arrived at 1530 and assessment and preparations to transport the animal began. The name I heard amongst the crew was that it appeared to be a Pan Tropical Spotted Dolphin. What that means , I have no clue. No further word at this time.
Kolohe and Duke
Kaiwi at toilet bowl
Kea at Sandys
sad day at Maikai Pier - stranded dolphin
Haupu at Nimitz
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