Next was a run to Makai Pier at 0610 where I found an overnighted T990 right where I’d left him last night, on the east side of the pier. He would remain all day.
At 0730 Team Billand reported a swimming head, foraging off shore of Nimitz Jetty. They lost it at 0745. No ID was possible.
At 1554 they called with the report of RIP (RR70) a Maili Point.
Diane G., called at 1125 with news that Karen Turner had found a molting Ua Malie (RT10) & R5AY at separate locations on Kaihalulu Beach, Turtle Bay. If I'm not mistaken... last time 5AY was seen was back in June? ( at least that's what I referenced from the blog.... but this isn't a "real" database).
Kolohe, Duke and Kaiwi
Kea at Sandys
little chubby must be eating pretty good out there
T990 at Makapu Beach
old dude got himself covered in sand...
nice shot.... but I have to laugh.... from where DB sits this is a whole lot closer than Rabbit Island... and there is a teenie spec on the beach.... but yet look at the pics from Rabbit Island... LOL just a little twist on perspective.
Well hello there honey girl....(5AY) where have you been?
yes we're happy to see you too
and here's her kid Ua Maile going through her molt
Rip out at Maile Point
a beautiful sunrise from Team Billan
Happy to see Honey Girl back and looking good.
Each day as I start to read the blog I really hope to see that Irma and Kermit have returned. Also hoping that M&M is doing ok.
I am glad you found R5AY...where is her last pup, RF20/21???? I dont recall you guys mentioning her for a very long time. Prayers to her...hope she is safe some where.
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