At 0615 I found an overnighted Kea (RN04), as usual, snoozin’ in the Naupaka at the Sandy Beach outfall. I committed yet another Ooops last night in the dailies. While I had a few shots of a molting Kea, I neglected to add anything in the text. Sorry! Kea is most definitely molting on his ventral side. Actually, we thought we saw something 4 days ago, but because these first molts are so subtle it’s hard to be sure of what you are seeing. By yesterday it was a no brainer, and it continues today. You can see a bare strip, midline on his chest and abdomen. On my 0852 check he was gone, so I picked up the SPZ. On my 1300 recheck he was once again on the outfall. Up went the SPZ. Kea remains at dark.
At 0915 I found Duke (RA12) on the rocks at the left end of the beach on Rabbit Island. One a pan at 1003 I found a newly arrived Kolohe (RW22), partially visible at Seal Rock Inlet. I did not get a complete look at him but I believe he is 100% molted. On my 1341 return for another look at RI, I found an U/M near Kolohe. He too was only partially visible, so an ID was impossible. It appeared to be an adult sized male, with at least one tag, and an old coat. Maybe tomorrow ???
I was at the Blowhole Lookout , looking for Buster, at 1048, when Dana called with a Hotline report of an animal at the Blowhole end of Sandy Beach. I was looking right at the location, but couldn’t see anything. Then I noticed a woman , well back from the beach front , taking pictures of something. When I looked at the water front rocks I spied what I was looking for. It was perfectly blended with the rocks. I immediately relocated to Sandy Beach and humped the stuff to the location. At 1055 I confirmed the Buster (RV08) ID, and cordoned him off. Gayle called at 1739 to report that Buster had departed.
At 0635 Dana called with a report of an animal at Lagoon #2, KoOlina.
The Billands called at 0645 with the Haupu (RB24) ID.
At 0737 Lesley called to advise that she had responded to a Hotline call for an animal on the beach in Aina Haina. When she arrived she confirmed T990 (R4DV). Lesley advised that T990 remained at dark.
At 1028 Team Billand found Pohaku (RO28) fronting Germaine’s Luau Grounds at Campbell Industrial Park. Per Jean Jasina Pohaku departed at 1320.
The Billands called again at 1051 to advise that Eileen had called with the report of both Kekoa (RK72) and little sister , U’ilani (RN36) together on the birth beach at the Reef Runway.
At 1157 I got a text from Dana advising of an animal on Moku Nui today. Awaiting further info.
Diane Gabriel & Karen Turner were out and about in the Kahuku/Turtle Bay wilds today an called with the finding of Ua’ Malie (RT10) at High Rock.
In the Yesterday’s News segment, Posse member Ken Tingman did the Ka’ena Point trek late yesterday and provided shots of RL42, RK36and Ka’ena (RO40) hangin’ out with BG (R303). Thank you Ken!
a molting Kea hiding in the Naupaka
funny how different the molt is when it's their first time....
buster at SANDYS
definately would blend in with the rocks...
Haupu at Lagoon 2
can't miss that N24
Pohaku at Germaines
Ua Maile tucked in the rocks (not very comfy)
such an independent young'en
you would never know she was there
BG(yesterday's news)
Ka'ena and BG
RK36s wound is on the mend
the adorable RL42
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