At 0815 I found Duke (RA12) at Left Greenery on Rabbit Island. He would do a couple of swims through the day, hauling out to each of the other two cast members. Duke has begun his molt. D#1, 2%.
At 0857 Kainoa (RN04) hauled out to IBS. Duke would spend most of the day with him.
Gayle called at 1040 with the report of an U/U in cruiser mode at SC. She was unable to get an ID, but said it appeared to be an older coat.
At 1321 posse member Jeff called with the report of Kea (RN46) just hauling out to the outfall at Sandy Beach. I got there at 1325 and cordoned him off.
Jeff called yet again at 1520 to advise that Benny had departed at 1520, heading east.
Kimo Smith email brought word that Benny had tried to haul out at Crappy Cove, but the adoring hordes wouldn’t allow it. Kimo last saw him headed west.
Team Billand checked in at 0647 with the report of Pohaku (RO28) & Kolohe (RW22) together off shore of Lani’s, KoOlina. They would haul out at 0737.
At 0819 they reported Haupu (RB24) at Nimitz Cove. Marilyn did a solo trek to the end of the world today. She found RK36 & BG (R303) together at BG’s pool.
Kimo Smith sent Yesterday’s News shots from his trek yesterday to KP. His shots of BG & RK36 were duplicates of what Marilyn saw today. He did however, find R912 at Hidden Beach on his way in and out.
\ Once again Val Bloy came through with her usual excellent shots of Kauai critters, KC (RK28), RF28 (Pohaku’s boy) and RF58 (Rocky’s daughter).
Duke and Aukai
Benny at Sandys
Sandy and Kea
Kea and Benny
Kea looking like a baby hippo
BG and RK36
R912 at Hidden Beach
Haupu at Nimitz
KC on Kauai
RF28 mug shot
short and sweet
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