On my first look at Rabbit Island I found a gang of three up in the Morning Glory at 1BS. When I got back to Makai Pier at 0825 all had moved down to the beach. They would prove to be Duke (RA12), a 99% molted Kaiwi (RK96), and Aukai (RL12). Aukai would enter the water at 0946. I did not see her again. Duke & Kaiwi would enter the water at 1024. Duke would return to his starting spot at 1032. Kaiwi would haul out 60 ft left of 2BS at 1100.
I spoke with the Hotline at 1441 an discovered that Rocky had been at Kaimana this morning around 0730 or so. A 1615 call from Dana brought word that Rocky had been reported there at 0730, but was then gone at 0745.
Team Billand checked in at 0754 with the report of Haupu (RB24) cruising in the Nimitz Cove area. She would haul out fronting #1945 Nimitz Cottages, at 0820. Volunteer Jean reported Haupu’s departure at 1050. She would also report Haupu’s arrival at Wind Sock at 1135, and her departure from that site at 1210. Thank you Jean !
At 1420 Team Billand found Kolohe (RW22) at Maili Guard Rails.
Aukai Kaiwi and Duke ... the line up
Haupu at Nimitz.... singing her little heart out... or eating, or yawning, or coughing up a fish bone
Haupu hauling out
hmmm far enough this is a good spot
Kolohe at Guard Rails
Yesterdays' News.... BG ( Benny's Girl) at Ka'ena Point
Luana at Ka'ena Point ( side ways photo)
Nihoa and RK36 - Amazing perspective... where the hell were you? Laying down in the water?
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