I got back to Makai Pier at 0753 and all remained the same.
At 0842 Kainoa (RN04) hauled out to the far left end of the beach. At 0953 on a pan I found what must be an U/F behind Seal Rock Inlet. This was a juvenile female with 2 red tags, and a new coat, but with no markers I could not make a confirmed determination. She would enter the water at 1259, and as she passed Duke & Aukai’s location, both entered the water to join her. I would lose both the girls after that, but Duke hauled out to join Kaiwi at 1316.
At 0640 Team Billand reported Haupu (RB24) and Buster (RV08) together at White Plains. The NOAA gang got a Critter Cam on Buster at 0815, and two new tags have been added. He now sports V38/39 taqs in addition to his originals. Haupu departed when the procedure began .
Dana called at 0841 with the report of Pohaku (RO28) at Maili Cove. Debbie reported her departure at 1230.
At 1234 Dana called with a report of an animal in Hauula. Awaiting photos. Dana also advised that Right Spot (R016) was at the MCBH yesterday, and today. ID was made today by Tony.
Lesley called at 1803 to advise that she had responded to a Hotline call, which turned out to be our old pal, T990, once again hidden in the Mangroves at the AD estuary. He had apparently been there yesterday also according to the caller.
Val sent shots of KC (RK28) and Pohaku's boy RF28 from Kauai today.
Aukai and Duke
Kaiwi and Duke
Pohaku at Maili Cove
Buster with his new camera set.....
he's not so impressed
He's on the run
and now he's got some new numbers too This is Buster RV08, also known as V38 and V39.
Haupu and Buster ( before he got his new camera and bling)
Beautiful picture... in a perfect world this is what their days should be like everyday through out the day.
Mahalo our gal pal val.... KC on Kauai
RF28 on Kauai looking as cute as a button
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