Also at 0714 I found a 100% molted Duke (RA12) in the Morning Glory, 60 ft left of Seal Rock Inlet on RI. He would relocate to the far left end of the beach at 0917, hauling out to the rocks.
At (?) Marilyn called with the report of T990 still at his AD estuary site. She and Melanie Oerter (no....she is not related to AL) did the SE quadrant check, including T990, and a stop by the pier to check at the RI crew. The old dude was a popular guy today. I also got calls from Gayle, Melanie and Lesley with the old one . T990 had apparently galumphed to a spot 50 ft east of yesterday’s location. Lesley said his trail was clearly visible.
Team Billand called at 0638 reporting Haupu (RB24) foraging off shore of Nimitz Cove. A fisherman advised that she had been hauled out there but the arrival of more and more fisherman motivated her departure.
The Billands observed her and followed as she began to move east, passing Windsock. They lost her at 0800.
At 1354 they reported Pohaku (RO28) at Maili Pt., cruisin’ in Benny’s “Playboy Pond”, for those who remember.
At 1652 Ocean Safety called with a Kaimana Beach animal. Notified Dana. Marilyn sent a phone shot from Stanford, a fellow UH guy she works with, showing what I believe is Rocky (RH58).
Dana called at 1730 to advise that Tony had once again found Right Spot (R016) at MCBH.
Duke chasing - Kaiwi clueless
Kaiwi looking toooooo darn cute
T990 hidden away.... then again maybe not that well hidden
old dude T990 catching some zzzzz
looks like he's in a forest than a shoreline
Haupu at Nimitz
The crowd..... guess it was a big fishing day
Pohaku at Maili Point
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