At 0600 we found Irma&Kea (R010) right where we’d left them last night, 150 ft east of the AD Wall, within the SPZ. They would move down and enter a small , low tide channel at 0709, where they remained all morning, doing 2 feeds, and some snoozin’. They would enter the deeper waters just to the east of the rock flats at 1223 and swam until hauling out again to their starting point at 1256. Kea’s muzzle and belly are beginning to whiten up. The log showed another swim ranging outside the east perimeter, but the fortunately returned to a location within the SPZ. There were 3 additional feeds. LOL a conversation with Gayle this morning, i was saying wow, Kea's belly and lips haven't started to whiten yet.... Gayle mentioned how big he's getting and how skinny Miss Irma is becoming.
At 0839 Team Billand called to advise that their posse member Diane had reported 2 animals at Secrets. Dana would calledvat 0847 to advise that it was Pohaku (RO28) and Kolohe (RW22). She also reported their departure at 0930, only to call again at 1008 advising that the duo had now hauled out to Paradise Cove.
Dera called at 1046 with a report from Eileen of Kekoa (RK72) at the Reef Runway.
At 1130 Dera reported RI37 at the Sunset/Backyards area on the North Shore. ID was by tag and posterior dorsal scar. wonder how this girl is doing.... i worry about her.
Kea and Irma
Pohaku and Kolohe at Paradis Cove
poor Kolohe he just wants to be with Pohaku
why these seals decide to hang out here is beyond me
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I dont know why all these seals go to KoOlina. Perhaps man built this entire resort when the animals have been out there, ALL ALONG. Man took over their space and now, they continue to come, bringing other seals along with them.
Now, to my knowledge, there are a total of nine seals that hang out at different lagoons. And lately more and more at Paradise Cove. Maybe its like a place where the seals are safe, protected in each lagoon. Well it is a beautiful area for all us humans, mostly TOURISTS. Turtles come, we see fish, dolphins off shore with all the boats near by them as well.
Kolohe is a seal that is after Pohaku, and he is a seal, NOT USED TO HUMANS JUST...YET. Diane took most of the watch through the day, with Japanese Tourists, locals and others. She took the heat..and let me tell you..that place out there IS HOT.
Dana took a shift as well. But Diane went right back after her short break.
We had business to do in the morning, so didnt arrive to help Diane out till 3pm. I want to say just as Kolohe decided to snooze on his back in a relaxed state...the LUAU festivities began and he was not a happy camper. But for Pohaku, she just went right to sleep, but was a bit upset with the shell blowing, moved higher up with an annoyed look.
Kolohe would posture, move his head up and down, looking upset. But because Pohaku was not really bothered by the festivities, Kolohe stayed.
Diane left at 4:15 after many log hot hours, to be replaced by a nice gentleman from Makakilo known as BRUCE K. We tried to fill him in about the two seals, and what to expect of the luau festivities. Bruce was a trooper and got right into the crowd...over 750 guests and others.
I got to admit, Kolohe and Pohaku remained in spite of all the noise, yelling, dancers, drums, hukilau, throw netting and large crowd.
After seeing Kolohe get into snooze mode right at Pohaku's side, by 6:55pm...we told Bruce we would be leaving. He said, OK.
I emailed Bruce, the animals remained and he left at 7:45pm.
Thanks Diane, Dana, Bruce and Robert for all your work. Together the seals stayed...SAFE as well as THE CROWDS.
Will they be there today???? Sure. I really think Pohaku will be going into her MOLT soon. THen we will need as many volunteers to help. Please guys...what ever you can will be appreciated. Remember, all this watch over the for THEM, so they can survive on EARTH.
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