At 0816 Jack "at the bay" reported a drive thru critter. There was no other info.
At 0823 Team Billand reported Kolohe (RW22) & Pohaku (RO28) at Paradise Cove. Pohaku’s molt continues. Vikki report the usual crop of idiots. Kolohe departed at 1930. The Billand dealt with divers and the same ol' party line crap about seals stealing all their fish, blah,blah,blah.
Also at 0823 the Billands advised that M&M (R020) was at Kalaeloa Campgrounds, She would be joined by RIP (RR70) at 1209. The Billands also advise that M&M has begun her molt.
Email from Dera, provided shots of R5AY in Laie today. Thank you Tati for the shots.
At 1248 posse member Alan Hong reported a small animal on the Buster Flats side of Lanai Lookout. It would prove to be Kaiwi (RK96).
2AW (thank you Ken Tingman)
R912 and Pup She hugs her pup a lot.... or keeps a hold on him so it doesn't wiggle away
MM and RIP @ Kalaeloa (thanks Team Billand)
Just seeing all the rods and people it must have been a stressful day
Pohaku looking spotty
Divers at paradise cove.... Kolohe's little head is way in the background just left of center
Photo listed as unidentified unknown... at Tracks
Same with this one... although from this it looks like someone is way too close
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