At 0755 I found Kainoa (RN04) at the far left end of the beach on Rabbit Island. His new "N0" bleach is clearly readable.
Also at 0755 I found Ewa Girl (RS00), once again at Left Middle Cliff, on RI. She is 70% molted.
Marilyn called at 0839 with the report of an animal at Spitting Cave. Analysis of her photos show RK36, by a partially visible N36 bleach, posterior dorsal.
At 0848 Duke (RA12) hauled out to join Kainoa at the left end of Rabbit Island. Both would remain all day.
She would quickly be joined by Kolohe (RW22). He would depart at 0730.
At 0859 Cianna reported an animal at Kalaeloa Campgrounds. Team Billand would confirm the M&M (R020) ID at 0951. She is 100% molted.
At 1056 Cianna called with a report of an animal at would turn out to be Pele’s Chair, after I spoke with the caller. He identified Aukai (RL12) by tag. I saw her there day before yesterday.
At 1248 the Billands reported Haupu (RB24) at Tracks.
At 1625 the Billands advised that M&M had now hauled out fronting #1706, White Plains.
Cianna called at 1914 with the report of "N11" (Rocky , RH58), fronting 91-319 Ewa Beach Rd.
Duke and Kainoa
Ewa Girl
Little white flipper boy
Buster at Diamond Head
Buster boy is on the move, yesterday Sandy's today Diamond Head
Where's Colleen? Where's Rocky?
RK36 at Spitting Cave
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