When I arrived at Makai Pier at 0612 I initially found nobody. NOAA personnel Sean, Jesse, Michelle & Chad arrived and the operation began. I initially found nobody, but at 0937 what Sean would confirm as Nani (RK60) came galumphing out of the Morning Glory , left of 1BS on RI. I’m sure she was my U/F from day before yesterday. She had last been seen on 5-26-13. At 0902 Duke (RV08) hauled out to join Nani. Once again Sean confirmed both the Duke ID, and the fact that there was no hook. On a pan at 0946 I found another animal tucked into the base of the cliff at the far right end of the beach. Sean once again came through with the Kainoa (RN04) ID, and gave him a "N0" bleach. That is N-zero on the shoulders and a big Zero with a girdle on the butt. Thank you to the whole mob for the response.
At 0723 they advised that Kolohe (RW22) had now joined her.
At 0821 the Billands found M&M (R020) at Kalaeloa Campgrounds.
At 1457 they would advise that RIP (RR70) had now joined her.
At 1604 the Billands reported Rocky (RH58) at Iroquois Point.
A 1622 the Billand called to say that Haupu (RB24) was at Aki’s Beach in Makaha.
Gayle found Kaiwi (RK96) at Buster Flats , at 1641.
Dera called at 1128 to advise that an U/U with tags was at Kualoa Pt. No further word, but dollar would certainly be on R5AY.
Email from Diane reported a 10th pup this season on Molokai. And this gives us a record of 20 births this year on the main Hawaiian Islands.... how wonderful our pups are healthy... now let's keep them wild.
Look how handsome little Duke is.... we rarely get a good look at his mug
Kainoa... No. N0 NO?
Sean from NOAA doing his thang.
Irma and Kea
okay this is when i wish little pellet guns were legal... i would make this girl dance.... (so sorry but this just makes me soooo mad)
kolohe... being persistent in pursuing pohaku
is that you again!
okay okay i'll give ya a hug
MM and Rip
MM and Rip
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