At 1150 I found Kaiwi (RK96) at Buster Flats. Speaking of Irma’s little girl... today is her 2nd Birthday !!!
Team Billand checked in at 0646 with the report of Pohaku (R028) once again at Secrets.
At 0848 they reported Ewa Girl, again at Wind Sock.
At 0900 the Billands found M&M (R020) once again at Kalaeloa Campgrounds.
Also at 1300 the Billands advised that they had received word of an animal around the Yokes area. They could not find the animal on arrival, but witnesses identified the animal by it’s bleach, "N20", which is RL42.
Dana called at 1419 to advise that Kolohe (RW22) had arrived to join Pohaku at Secrets approximately 2 hrs ago (1200). ID was by his right side natural bleach.
Dana called again at 1518 to advise that Haupu (RB24) had been sighted on Kauai.
Irma and Kea (chubbing up)
we're not pup size any more....
Kaiwi who is two today!!!
Happy Birthday
R912 and Pup
Mom keeping the kid still by laying on it's flippers
a little swim session
nothing like a mom hug.... wonder if mom cleaned off the little one's umbilical cord
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