Friday, January 5, 2024

January 5, 2024 Friday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 11:30 to 1:35, there were four seals seen during that time. Interestingly the three seals made their way to the pier and were playing under and around the pier for about a half hour.  Not something that happens very often.

When Marilyn first arrived there was only one seal.  Juvenile Female: juvenile size, light female, and two red tags.
At 11:50 Marilyn believes it was RK24 Bruno/Wawamalu hauled out to the J/F. RK24: adult size, two scars on the right side about one-third forward of the rear flippers and red tags. He nuzzled the JF and then went into snooze mode.

At about 12:15, Marilyn realized the J/F was alone and three seals were frolicking near shore. The three seals played for a while near shore and then she lost sight of them. At about 12:50,. Marilyn found the three seals playing offshore of the pier. They ultimately came up to the breakwater and then came around the Lanikai side and played in and under the pier for about 40 minutes. Marilyn lost track of them after that.
Marilyn labeled the three seals as:
RK24 Bruno/Wawamalu identified by his lower split lip and that he had been onshore at Rabbit Island.
Unknown Adult: adult size, two red tags, lots of small line scars on the head and neck area. Marilyn never saw its belly so its gender is unknown.
R606: sub-adult size, no tags, very light male belly and NB on RFF.
Needless to say some of the employees at the pier came out to watch the seals interacting. 

Team R&B started their day at the bay. The first seal they spotted was the fat female Kala RH76. She was basking on the rocks and was alone.
About 15 minutes later another seal hauls up, they ID'd RM31 Kai. He galumphed towards her, and did not bug her, at least while they were watching. He must have been tired.

Team R&B tried all their usual stops and came up empty, they didn't even see any whales today.
Later in the day they gave it another try and went back to check and luck was on their side. They found the very handsome R416 alone and resting peacefully.

They headed over to Kahe but got stuck in traffic for over 45 minutes. They couldn't go into the area because a film crew was filming NCIS. The whole area was closed off.  They were filming a dirt bike stunt, hmmm I'll have to watch for that.
When Team R&B were finally able to access the area, there were no seals to be found.

Rabbit Island and the Pier
RM31 & RH76
film crew NCIS 

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