Saturday, January 13, 2024

January 13, 2024 Saturday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:22 to 1:38 and there were four seals seen during that time.
Marilyn wasn't there long due to the windy conditions making it difficult to keep the scope and camera steady.
Between 1BS and 2BS was Adult Male: adult size, dark coat, male belly and unsure about tags.
Initially up in the dunes not far from the 3BS was an Adult Female: adult size, older coat with yellowish brown female belly and at least one tag. She later moved down from the dunes to the beachfront.
By the SRI was a Juvenile Female 1: smaller juvenile size, older coat with light yellowish female belly and no tags seen. She entered the water about 12:59.
At 1:06 Marilyn noticed Juvenile Female 2: coming down out of the dunes near the 1BS. JF2 was larger juvenile size, light female belly and unsure about tags.

Team R&B started their day at the bay. They found RH76 Kala over on the rocks. She was further up than her usual spot and seemed really tired.  She probably tired from dealing with the high surf over the past few days.  Over all she looks good.

At another west side location they were happy to find one more seal. 
The seal was high up on the rocks looking tired. They ID'd  R617, who has been hanging out here lately.
No tags, scar on right side of face, and a dark spot on his lower lip. He was dry so he had been there for a while his coat looking nice and silver in the sunlight.

They waited around but no other seals showed up and once again no whales or dolphins.  While there they ended up watching the surfers taking advantage of the wild waves.  

Rabbit Island
Wild waves

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