Friday, January 26, 2024

January 26, 2024 Friday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 11:20 to 1:20 and there were four seals during that time.
On the rock flats Lanikai side of LPB was Unknown Adult 1: adult to sub-adult size, pit scar on left neck area, unsure about tags or sex.
On the Lanikai side of LPB near the surge channel was Unknown Adult 2: adult to sub-adult size, apparent split in LFF, not sure about sex or tags.
About 40 feet Makapuu of the 3BS was a Juvenile Female: juvenile size, two red tags, light tannish yellow female belly. Marilyn is reasonably sure this is the same JF that was there yesterday.
Out on RRB was an Unknown Sub-adult: sub-adult to adult size, not sure about tags or sex. This seal moved into the channel about noon and was not seen again.

Team R&B started their day checking in at secrets to see id any of the boys were around. There were no seals but off to the left they did spot a seal foraging. No tags seen, scar near its eye, they believe this is RG32. They waited around to see if it would land, but it didn't so they headed off to look elsewhere.

Next stop at Nimitz where they spotted a seal on the reef snoozing. They ID'd R407 who was alone.
A guy showed them a photo on his phone of a seal from a different day, they couldn't make an ID based on the photo.  He didn't know R407 was there until they pointed him out. He was thrilled and respectful by keeping his distance.

Heading over to plains, when they arrived they scanned the area. They saw a rock that wasn't there the other day, hmmmm that's usually what I do.  They soon realized it was a seal, so they hurried over to
the area. Much to their joy and surprise there was a large hapai female. It was Aukai RL12! They hadn't seen her in quite some time.

Lastly they found two seals at the bay. Kalua RL20 was with Kala RH76.
They met some nice folks who just arrived to the island and they asked if there were any seals. They pointed to RK76 and RL20. Team R&B gave them their background and monk seal 101.

Rabbit Island

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