Wednesday, January 3, 2024

January 3, 2024 Wednesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn new posse pal Kathy O and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:20 to 2:00 pm and there were four seals seen during that time.
Almost directly down from the 1BS was an Adult Male: adult size, medium gray male belly and two red tags. There appeared to be some sort of scar on the lower lip.
Between 3BS and SRI were two seals.
The first was a Juvenile Female 1: larger juvenile to smaller sub-adult size, yellowish tan female belly and two red tags.
About 40 feet closer to SRI was a Sub-adult Male: small sub-adult size, light gray male belly and two red tags.
Near SRI was Juvenile female 2: smaller juvenile size, older coat, light yellow female belly and two red tags.

An email from Kathy this evening letting me know she found three seals today.  She had checked Ewa beach and ended up at Ko'Olina where she found three seals. The area was roped off and a volunteer was onsite, although Kathy did not get the seals IDs.  

Team R&B started their day finding two seals. Both males were on lower rocks. First one had a cc scar on fore-flipper was ID's as R416.  The other male was Kai RM31. 
They were close together and snoozing peacefully. R146 entered the small water hole, which caught RM31's attention. Looked like he was ready to follow him, but R416 was just cooling off.

At the same site, but different area they got to see the unknown male they saw yesterday. They got confirmation from NOAA this seal is R617 probably from Niihau, no history is known other than he's been seen on Kauai and Oahu in 2023.  R617 has a small ding between his shoulders, no tags and he wasn't cooperating so they could get a good photos.  

Lastly from afar they saw two seals on the beach out at tracks. They took a couple of photos from where they were, but could only determine one was an adult male with a clean coat, the other has some marks but could not determine anything else.
They headed over to the area but the two seals were gone, bummer.

Rabbit Island
Unknown Trio @ KoOlina
Rm31 & R416
Two seals on shore at tracks

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