Thursday, January 18, 2024

January 18, 2024 Thursday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:30 to 2:10 and there were three seals seen during that time.
Out on the back Lanikai side of LPB near the rock flats was RP24 Mohala: sub-adult size, female belly, nb on the tip of the LFF. Marilyn never saw the rear flippers to see tags.
On the front of the Lanikai side of LPB was a seal reported as Unknown Adult: large adult size, lighter ventral with some mottling, unsure about tags or sex.  In some photos Marilyn thought it might be a male.
The UA appears to have a pit scar in front of the RFF and a line scar on its chest from the RFF to mid
chest. Marilyn believes she has seen this critter before but isn't sure of its ID.
Between 1BS and 2BS was a Juvenile Male: larger juvenile size, two red tags, light male belly mostly covered in sand.

Team R&B checked their usual spots and wasn't having much luck. They headed over to KoOlina and didn't find any seals but did see a brown booby. They observed the bird for quite some time and thought maybe it was injured.  They met up with one of the NOAA folks and informed them of the bird. Together they watched, it flexed its wings
and looked out. It flew down and got wet from the waves, then landed in the water. The big waves turned it upside down oops! It flexed its wings out again took off staying close to the water, and then left for good.  Maybe it needed some time to rest.
While there they did see a whale breach from afar.

Later they headed back west and went to check yoks.  There they found RL28 once again. Seems KC's daughter feels comfortable and
was resting against the rocks. She didn't move much, but she did poop and then continued to rest peacefully.

Team R&B ended their day find a mother and her calf.  All moms and their babies are amazing.

Rabbit Island
brown booby
whale breach

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