Marilyn found RK96 Kaiwi this morning at Kokee flats. She was ID'd by the small NB on her forehead. Marilyn could see a rear flipper tag and reported to the hotline.
Marilyn then went to check China Walls and just as she arrived around 11:15 a young seal was hauling out onto the rocks flats of the cove. Marilyn never saw the animals sex or flipper tags but she is pretty sure that RK24 is the culprit. There appears to be a small wound at the base of the LFF which may be the result of the hook reported in his flipper last week.

Then Marilyn headed over to the pier from about 11:45 to 1:45, conditions were slightly overcast and almost windless.
There were four critters on Rabbit Island today. About 25 feet (Lanikai side) of the 1BS was a small juvenile femal with tow tags and very green belly. Good chance this is one of the 2018 female pups.
At 12:30, Marilyn became aware of a seal behind the waterfront rocks between the 3BS and SRI.

There were two seal on the rockflats at Seal Rock Inlet (SRI).
UAF (unknown adult female) with a green belly and two tags. Possible small scar on he right shoulder area. It could be RL12 Aukai based on her size.
UA ( unknown adult) Marilyn never saw the belly, but the seal appears to be adult size and possible
small bleach or scar midway back on the right size. If it is a male could be RN04 Kainoa. The UAF and UA stayed fairly close to each other during her two hour viewing.
Team Billand first find of the day was at 8am. They stopped off at a westside location and noticed a seal on left end of rocks. It was RN14 Kalani and appears to have just hauled in. They watched him for a bit until he settled in and then left.\
They did a recheck about 10:30 am and he was still there. He was reacting to something, but Team Billand couldn't see anything but he was vocalizing while facing the water. Next thing they knew he took off and was gone for the day.
Team Billand did the Ka'ena West trek today and seemed to find a whole cast of characters along the way. Just before 1pm their first find was RW02 PvKauai resting in the little pond. They spotted the mark on his back and tags. He was still there on their return trip out of the park.
Next up they found R3CU at the 30. He was in the shallows on his side and tags were visible. He was not there on their exit.
Then at the 40 they found RL42 Leia and RH32 Ka'ale both hanging out together snoozing. There were lots of people out and about stopping by to see them and thankfully they were all respectful.
On the return at the 30 they looked and now the seal was not R3CU but RK36 Kauai Kolohe (4DJ). They don't know what happened to R3CU but here was RK36 .
While there Team Billand heard frantic voice yelling to her husband (standing by Barbara) She was excited by nervous announcing there were three seals fighting.
And with all that excitement then there was the couple with the dog off leash by 4DJ Kauai Kolohe RK36. It just irks me that people are not more respectful, for the land, the wildlife and for godsakes their own pets. Put the dog on a leash!
RK96 Kaiwi
unknown adult (UA) and unknown female adult UFA
unknown juvenile female
unknown juvenile male
RN14 Kalani
RW02 PvKauai
RL42 Leia and RH32 Ka'ale ( sister and brother)
RK36 Kauai Kolohe 4DJ
The Battle ! RH32, RL42 and R3CU
and this is how females end up with big wounds
a seal, an idiot and a dog
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