Friday, April 26, 2019

April 26, 2019 (part 2) Lesley's Update

Tammy & I went for a hike on old stomping grounds today.
We were just making it to Elbow Beach / Kahuku, looking from far at some wallows and trails when Tammy spotted a seal in shallow waters.
RG40 "Holokai" was IDed straight away by the scar on his back then by his NB.
As we were documenting him he started vocalizing and went on for 15 minutes until he hauled out, did a rolly-polly and settle down all breaded up.
He showed us all his teeth from up to down, left to right, now if only hooked seals would do the same.
NT. the white in his mouth is saliva and some sand    More tomorrow ğŸŒº

 LOL  seems this guy is having a happy moment

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