Marilyn hiked solo Ka'ena Point this morning and found RW02 PvKauai on the runway in NARS at about 9:50 am. He was ID'd by his male belly and W04 tag. He was her only find at KP today.

There were two juveniles of similar size on the Lanikai side of the beach. They were in almost identical positions for part of the time, similar in size and coloring.
UJ#1 - juvenile size and coloring, female belly.
UJ#2 - juvenile size and coloring, greenish female belly and 2 tags.
Best guess is the two juveniles are RK37 and RK38 Hali'a, our 2018 Rabbit Island pups.
There were two other seals that appear to be subadult males.
UM#1 - male belly, two tags, no other ID marks
UM#2 - male belly, two tags, and no obvious ID marks.
That was it for the Rabbit Island cast, hopefully we'll see some fat females arriving soon.
Team Billand was out at a west side beach at 6 am and they spot a big seal on the rocks, when they went to check it out they discovered it was R4DJ Kauai Kolohe (RK36). He is so big and really looking good with no new marks.
Team Billand had to leave to pick up Jr. Sealette Olivia and returned to the site by 9:15 am.
Now there are two more seals. one of them is Kekoa Alii RK72 who is in a deep snooze. The other critter was Lei Ola RH48 and something isn't right, she is struggling to haul up on mid rocks. She pulls and goes low turns to her side and tosses her hind flippers. Then they see it!! Lei Ola has a fishing line coming from the left side of her mouth, no hook or swivel visible. Team Billand called Mark of NOAA directly, so he could get the ball rolling, then Team Billand called the hotline explained the situation with Lei Ola and let them know they already spoke with NOAA.
While observing Lei Ola, looking to see if there is any sign of a hook, volunteer Melina arrived. Team Billand fills her in and also pointed out R4DJ.
Then they spot another critter and upon closer observation, they find RIP RR70 by IDing the ding on his back, and tags. He is to the left high rock snoozing away.
Team Billand had to leave at 11:30 for a little bit and when they returned NOAA is on site.
Hope and David go down closer to check on Lei Ola they were able to provoke her to open her mouth and video her open mouth, Lei Ola barks, moved right by Kekoa, he looks up but not interested and goes back to sleep.
Lei Ola is aware of the NOAA team and then galumphs down to the water. Lei Ola and Kekoa leave the rocks and swim away. Hope informed Team Billand they saw a one inch circle hook on her left cheek. Good news she didn't swallow the hook, bad news, she still has a 4 foot line attached to a hook that is in her mouth.
SO let me just say... THANK YOU TEAM BILLAND! Ya done good! Seriously, their endless efforts of being out there checking on the seals day after day make them invaluable to the well being of these critters.!!!!
Then Team Billand got a call from a good friend to let them know there was a seal at yoks. When they arrived they saw a family making there way down to the seal with a GoPro. Team Billand was able to get to them and do a little monk seal 101 outreach. Team Billand was about to ID little RK88 Puna on shore snoozing alone. Hopefully this family will be respectful and not try to go back later.
L08/09 Bam Bam Square Pants
RW22 Kolohe on Kauai cruising
RW02 PvKauai on Oahu at Ka'ena Point
Rabbit Island U/J #1 and U/J #2
U/M subadult males
RK36 Kauai Kolohe R4DJ
Kekoa and Lei Ola
Lei Ola RH48
Ka'ena Ro40
Puna RK88
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