Wednesday, April 24, 2019

April 24, 2019 (part 2 ) Ka'ena Update

It was a beautiful quiet morning on this side.

No seal were found until I made it to the NARS where RO40 "Ka'ena" was hauled out on the Runway. The tide has been so low this past week that he hasn't made it into his pool. My first photo was taken from above his pool, from there I zoomed in and even got his tag.
As I made it to the point, I found a fresh trail on Back Beach from an overnighted seal all the way down to the water. As I made it to the Main Beach Ciera an H-MAR volunteer walked down to say Hi. 
We saw a seal leaving the outside pool. She left and I hanged around and sure enough the seal came back cruising very slowly. It made it back to the 1st out side pool then swam to the 2nd one ( where it started doing the hippo in the deep part (one of "Ka'ena's" and KKolohe" favorite spot. I went down and waited patiently to get an under water tag shot. I was successful. Ciera had left so I wasn't able to share the seals ID with her.

I went on with my monitoring and doing outreach in the NARS with the few hikers that came out - all tourist with the exception of 2 fishermen. More tomorrow ğŸŒº

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