Monday, April 15, 2019

April 15, 2019 (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Update

Another sunny hot and blustery windy day out here at Ka'ena.
I did an early morning check from CE to Birth Beach and didn't see any seals or trails.

Later I headed out to the point. Had a great find today. Little R366 (M) was hauled out on the outer reefs of Main Pool. His NB on LFF gave him away, then I checked for his scars. He didn't show his right side but I could see he has a round piece of skin on his RFF - perhaps a CC bite.
Hikers told me there was a seal with a box on his back a while before in the outside pool and trying to haul out beside R366 (M).
RO40 "Ka'ena" was around a later hauled out at the entrance of his pool.
I met 2 new H-Mar volunteers and did some outreach with them giving them info about both seals.

On my way back I found "Lady" our big turtle @ 10 Mnts Beach - t's already the 3rd time I see her this year.    More tomorrow ğŸŒº

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