It would seem the seals are hiding this past week, as there has been just a few sightings. That's okay they'll be back and soon it will be pupping season on Oahu!
Team Billand didn't have their first sighting until early afternoon. They spotted a seal on the rocks snoozing and mostly hidden. They were finally able to ID RN14 after he moved to show his tags and applied bleach. He is looking to be in good health and quite handsome.
At the same time they spotted another seal off shore, but the sun was way too bright to get an ID. The critter was doing 7 minute dives, and never landed. Team Billand through their frustration reported a UU.
Last but not least Team Billand got a call from the lifeguards at white plains. When they arrived on site they were delighted to find the lovely lady Rocky RH58. The lifefguards were awesome and put up a zone for her.
Team Billand ID'd Rocky by her natural bleached left fore flipper, her two cookie scars under belly, scar on jaw. She is looking good, nice and plump and very alert to each wave that comes up. She moved up the shore line and she is a big girl! Needless to say Team Billand was thrilled to see her.
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