Saturday, December 23, 2017

12/23/2017 (Part 2) Monk Seal Dailies: Lesley's Ka'ena Point Update

Marilyn and I hiked out to the point this morning. We picked up lots of sea debris on our way and put them on the side of the road for a later pick up.
At the point we found RO40 "Ka'ena" on the reefs between Nihoa & BG's Pools, R3CU logging in the Main Pool and R330 "Squinty" playing at the Entrance Pool. He was said to be hauled out on Back Beach earlier in the morning.
At the point we also met up with our old hiking friend and now a traveler Ken. We all did a lot of outreach.
We checked on some albatrosses then hiked back in a very pleasant weather.

In the afternoon I met with Jaime and we went back out to the point. This time with the truck (her 3rd trip out today) to pick up more trash. We did go in to the NARS and checked around, I showed her some fresh cat prints we found earlier on our morning hike. RO40 "Ka'ena" and R3CU were still in there respective haul outs as earlier.
We did more outreach.

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